ISSN 2073-9621
Articles submitted to the editorial office of the journal are subject to mandatory reviewing. By the decision of the editorial board of the journal, they can be sent for revision or rejected for formal or scientific reasons. The editorial board in these cases does not enter into polemics with the authors.
Only previously unpublished manuscripts of articles are accepted for publication in the journal. The topic touched upon should be distinguished by scientific novelty, practical significance, and originality of content. It is advisable to adhere to the following structure of the article:
introduction - a brief summary of the state of the issue under consideration and the formulation of the problem solved in the article;
materials and methods for solving the problem, a detailed description of the study;
results - the main content of the article (for example: a description of the physical essence of processes and phenomena, proofs of the provisions presented in the article, initial and final mathematical expressions, mathematical calculations and transformations, experiments and calculations, examples and illustrations);
discussion of the results obtained and comparing them with previously known ones;
conclusion - conclusions and recommendations.
The volume of the article (without figures and tables) should not exceed 10 A4 pages with 1,5–2 line spacing, and the volume of a review article should not exceed 25 pages. Font size - 14 Times New Roman. It is necessary to submit an electronic version of the text in the format of a text editor Word (any version).
The order of registration of the article:
indicate the heading of the article, as well as the Universal Decimal Classification Index (on the Internet - UDC Classifier);
after the author's initials and surnames follow: academic degree, academic title, position, place of work (study), city, country, e-mail;
abstract (abstract - 850 characters, at least 10 lines) contains: the purpose of the work, materials and methods, the result of the research, conclusions and keywords (5–10);
Provide the translation of the title of the article, the author's surname, his requisites, annotations and keywords in English.
The work bibliographic list (literature) is provided in accordance with the requirements of GOST 7.0.5-2008. The reference to the source used is made in square brackets, for example [1-3], [7, 8]. References to formulas, figures and tables are made using parentheses, for example, formula (3), equation (1), (Fig. 2), (Table 7).
The number of figures and photographs for a typical article should not exceed 5, for a review article - no more than 10. Formulas (OST 29.115–88) are given in a text editor format. For symbolic designation of physical (technical) quantities, use only the Latin and Greek alphabets, while in the text for Greek letters you need to use a straight font, for Latin letters - an italic font, vectors should be designated in bold or an arrow above the vector symbol. For subscripts and superscripts, use Arabic numerals, Latin or Greek letters. The dimension of physical quantities is indicated only by Russian letters.
Formulas, tables and figures should have a separate sequential numbering. If there are no additional (return) links to a specific formula in the text or it is in the singular, then numbering is not needed. The single table and figure are also not numbered.
The article must be signed by all authors. A separate sheet contains information about the author (or all authors): surname, name, patronymic, academic degree, rank; position, education, experience of scientific (professional) activity, field of scientific interests (areas of research), number of scientific papers, telephone, postal address (for sending the journal), e-mail.
Manuscripts will not be returned.
The authors (or the author) of each article after its publication have the right to receive one author's copy of the journal.