ISSN 2073-9621
Moscow, 2015 year
1.1. This Regulation regulates the procedure for reviewing the author's original articles (materials) and the requirements for reviews submitted to the editorial office of the scientific journal "Vestnik Akademii" (hereinafter referred to as the "editorial board").
1.2. Peer review (expert evaluation) of manuscripts of scientific articles in the editorial office is carried out in order to select the most valuable and relevant (promising) scientific works that ensure the maintenance of a high scientific level of the journal as a whole.
1.3. All materials submitted for publication in the journal are subject to review.
2.1. Scientific articles prepared in strict accordance with the conditions and procedure for receiving manuscripts are allowed for review.
2.2. The materials of the article should be open in nature. The presence of a restrictive stamp serves as the basis for rejecting the material from open publication.
2.3. Subject to the requirements, the editorial board accepts the manuscript of the article. The editor-in-chief sends her for review.
3.1. Scientists who have a recognized authority working in the field of knowledge, to which the content of the manuscript belongs, and have been involved in the review for the last three years.
For reviewing, employees of third-party scientific organizations can be involved. The reviewer must have a doctorate or candidate of science degree.
3.2. Authors who are doctoral students, postgraduates, applicants for scientific degrees of candidate and doctor of sciences, simultaneously with the article send to the editor a review of it by scientists (specialists) or an extract from the minutes of a meeting of a specialized department on the recommendation of an article for publication, or a review (letter of recommendation) of a scientific supervisor justification of the relevance and compliance of the manuscript with the requirements for scientific articles. Postgraduate students, in addition, submit a certificate from the educational (scientific) organization, certified by its seal, about their postgraduate studies.
3.3. The editorial board uses a four-level system of reviewing articles:
1st level - checking the text of the article for the presence of borrowed text. Mandatory for all articles. The editorial board of the journal checks all articles through the Antiplagiat system. If the originality of the text is below 85% (while borrowings from one source cannot be more than 7%), the article is sent to the author for revision with appropriate justification. Borrowing from student work sites is not allowed.
2nd level - open review (open review - the author and the reviewer know about each other). Review submitted by the author, at his request.
3rd level - one-sided "blind" reviewing (single-blind - the reviewer knows about the author, the author does not know about the reviewer). Mandatory for all articles.
4th level - two-way "blind" reviewing (double-blind - the author and the reviewer do not know about each other.
3.4. The reviewer must consider the article sent to him in a timely manner and submit to the editorial office a properly executed review, or a motivated refusal to review.
3.5. The terms of reviewing in each individual case are determined taking into account the creation of conditions for the fastest possible publication of the article, but no more than 15 days from the date of receipt of the application for publication by the editorial board of the journal. The term can be increased if additional reviewing is required and / or the temporary absence of a profile reviewer.
3.6. Reviewing of materials submitted to the editorial office of the journal is carried out in compliance with confidentiality, and the name of the reviewer is not communicated to the author (s).
3.7. The originals of the reviews are kept in the editorial office of the journal for 5 years. At the request of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science), reviews are mandatory submitted to the Higher Attestation Commission and / or the Ministry of Education and Science.
4.1. The editors recommend using the standard form (download sample form).
4.2. Upon agreement with the editor-in-chief, it is possible to prepare a free-form review.
4.3. The review should objectively evaluate the scientific article and contain a comprehensive analysis of its scientific and methodological advantages and disadvantages; include a reasoned assessment of: scientific (theoretical, methodological and conceptual) level of the article; relevance of the problem posed in the article, scientific novelty of the material, originality; scientific and practical significance of the research; the reliability of the information provided by the author; the correctness and accuracy of the definitions and formulations used (introduced) by the author; the validity of the conclusions made; the representativeness of the practical material involved in the analysis; the degree of illustrativeness of the examples, tables, figures given by the author; a general list and analysis of all noticed shortcomings, as well as a statement of the absence of plagiarism and a general conclusion about the advisability of publishing the article or its rejection and revision.
A necessary element of the review is the reviewer's assessment of the personal contribution of the author of the article to the solution of the issues under consideration. The review should also assess the logic, language and style of presentation of the material, their compliance with the requirements and norms of the literary and scientific language.
4.4. Based on the results of peer review, the reviewer submits one of the following decisions for consideration by the editorial board of the journal:
- the article is recommended for publication in the journal (without modifications);
- the article is recommended for publication in the journal, subject to revision (without re-reviewing);
- the article requires revision and re-review;
- the article is not recommended for publication in the journal.