

Political science

textbook / ed.-comp .: Skrypnikov A.V., Larionova I.S., Dupate H.I., Nagiev G.G., Pogarsky S.P., Alekseenko N.V., Panin E.N. , Romanova E.I. / ed. Dr. East. sciences, prof. A.V. Skrypnikova. - M .: Publishing house "SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY", 2018. - 400 p.

ISBN 978-5-6041667-0-3

This tutorial is intended to familiarize students with the basics of sociological knowledge in the light of modern science. The main attention of the authors of the manual is given to such sections as the subject and methods of sociology, the methodology and history of sociology, the structure and development of society, the main institutions of society, social stratification and mobility, social interaction and social relations, the relationship of statuses and roles, social groups and communities, small groups and collectives, culture, personality and socialization. And also to enable graduates to solve professional tasks that arise before them in terms of sociological competence, the ability to use sociological knowledge in various areas of veterinary activity, including taking into account the social policy of the state. The materials of the manual can be useful to specialists in the field of state and municipal services, students, graduate students and teachers, as well as to everyone who is interested in issues of sociological science.


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