
Breakthrough technologies for financing healthcare, pensions and the Russian economy

Economics, finance

monograph / E.V. Sokolov, E.V. Kostyrin; under the general. ed. E.V. Sokolova. M .: "Publishing house" SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY ", 2018, - 180 p.

ISBN 978-5-6041667-3-4

The monograph, using the experience of Singapore, the USA, China and South Africa, offers breakthrough technologies for financing health care and pensions for Russian citizens, according to which enterprises will have to transfer social payments not to the compulsory health insurance fund and pension fund, but to medical savings accounts and personalized ones pension accounts of citizens working at these enterprises. A simulation was carried out, showing the accumulation of funds for medical and pension provision of groups of citizens with various monetary incomes. The advantages of the new technology proposed by the authors in comparison with the current procedure for financing medical care and pension provision are clearly shown and illustrated by calculations. In conjunction with the financing of health care and pensions, it is shown that all goods and services are produced and rendered by working citizens in any state, and budgets of all levels are also filled with them. In this regard, the main breakthrough task of the development of the Russian economy is to maximize the motivation of working citizens to highly efficient work. It is shown by examples that the tools for solving this problem are a progressive system of remuneration and the allocation of part of the funds earned by working citizens to the technical and technological modernization of their jobs. The monograph is intended for deputies and leaders of all levels of government, scientists, managers, specialists of enterprises and organizations of all forms of ownership, graduate students and students.


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