
Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics

Digitalization, artificial intelligence, theory of change

Textbook pos. / CM. Zarbaliev, V.V. Grigoryev. - M .: Publishing House "SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY", 2019. - 238 p.

ISBN 978-5-6042212-1-1

Compiled in accordance with the program of GOS VPO. The manual contains basic information on probability theory and mathematical statistics provided by the curriculum for students of economic specialties MGIMO (U). The following sections are included in the publication: random events and probability; random variables, laws of their distribution and numerical characteristics; basic laws of distribution; basics of the selective method and primary processing of experimental data; estimation of parameters and characteristics of the laws of distribution of random variables; verification of statistical hypotheses; establishing the form and degree of connection between random variables. Examples of typical problems are given, their detailed solution and analysis of the results are given. Each chapter of the manual completes a set of a large number of typical tasks for independent solutions. Along with students, this manual can be used by graduate students and teachers. Approved as a teaching aid by the Publishing Council of MGIMO (U).


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