
Clinical electrocardiography with the basics of pharmacotherapy (for general practitioners)


monograph / Vilkovysky F.A. - M .: "Publishing house" SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY ", 2019. - 118 p.

ISBN 978-5-6042213-2-7

The book "Clinical Electrocardiography with the Basics of Pharmacotherapy" was written for clinicians in the new specialty - General Medical Practice. Previously, cardiological patients were referred for a cardiologist's consultation, but now decoding of electrocardiograms (ECG), establishing a diagnosis and prescribing treatment is the responsibility of a general practitioner, and all this as soon as possible. The book made an attempt to get away from the vector theory of ECG, as complex and poorly remembered, using the original technique developed by the author. In addition, there is a unique ECG archive with its decoding, which the author has been collecting since 1976 while working on the country's first cardioreanimobile, sometimes in the first minutes and hours of an attack. In a number of sections, the basics of rational pharmacotherapy are given, because one of the specialties of the author is clinical pharmacology. Experience has shown that at the end of a four-hour lecture by the author on an ECG on a certification cycle for general practitioners, cadets begin to independently decrypt the ECG archive, despite the fact that at the end of the book there is a transcript of each of them and it is possible to verify the decryption.


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