Materials of the international scientific-practical conference "VII Naydenov readings". Collection of scientific articles of teachers, graduate students and students / ed. Malyshkova V.I. - M .: Scientific library, 2015 .-- 202 p.
ISBN 978-5-906660-67-1
The Moscow Academy of Entrepreneurship under the Government of Moscow annually organizes the Naydenov Readings dedicated to Nikolai Aleksandrovich Naydenov, a leading representative of the business and public circles of Moscow in the second half of the XNUMXth - early XNUMXth centuries.
As part of the VII Naydenov Readings, the Academy held an international scientific and practical conference "Development of the economy and entrepreneurship in the context of economic strategies of import substitution."
Issues of entrepreneurship in the context of new economic strategies, economic and financial stability of the country, state policy and legal regulation of entrepreneurial activity in modern Russia in the context of import substitution, problems of finding sources of commodity resources for trade in Russia, as well as topical issues of youth participation in entrepreneurial activity are considered.
Addressed to business representatives, researchers, teachers, graduate students and students.
Materials are published in the author's edition.