
Features of mineral metabolism in fur-bearing animals of cage keeping

Veterinary, zootechnics and biotechnology

monograph (methodological instructions) / N. A. Balakirev, V. I. Maksimov, A. A. Deltsov - M .: Publishing house "SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY", 2020 - 108 p. silt (special literature).

ISBN 978-5-907242-74-6

The monograph is written in the form of guidelines, which sets out modern ideas about the metabolism of mineral substances in fur-bearing animals of cage content, which are bred in fur farms for the sake of obtaining from them environmentally friendly, warm and beautiful skins, about the biological role of the vital trace element iron in their bodies, about physiological processes and functions of the body of animals in the application for the exchange of trace element iron, about their qualitative originality. The regularities and principles of the body systems activity during the exchange of the iron trace element are highlighted. These instructions are intended to help specialists in the field of animal science and veterinary medicine, commodity experts, as well as undergraduate, specialist, graduate students, postgraduate students and researchers of agricultural universities and research institutes in obtaining the necessary knowledge on raising fur-bearing animals and obtaining quality products from them.


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