
Development of entrepreneurship in trade and services: problems and prospects

Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "V Naydenov Readings". Collection of scientific articles of teachers, graduate students and students / ed. Ragulina Yu. V. - In 2 parts. - M .: Scientific library, 2013 .-- 344 p.

ISBN 978-5-9904757-1-7

The Moscow Academy of Entrepreneurship under the Government of Moscow annually organizes the Naydenov Readings dedicated to Nikolai Aleksandrovich Naydenov, a leading representative of the business and public circles of Moscow in the second half of the XNUMXth - early XNUMXth centuries.
As part of the V Naydenov Readings, the Academy held an international scientific and practical conference "Development of entrepreneurship in trade and services: problems and prospects".
The collection highlights the problems and prospects in the field of trade and services. The experience and prospects of development of commerce, management, marketing, jurisprudence are considered.
A special place is given to entrepreneurship in various fields of activity.
Addressed to business representatives, researchers, teachers, graduate students and students.
Materials are published in the author's edition.


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