
Cardiology cats

Veterinary, zootechnics and biotechnology

translation and scientific edition A.V. Kameneva, P.A. Kuznetsov - M .: Publishing House "SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY", 2018. - 578 p.

ISBN 978-5-6040896-5-1

Cardiology of cats is the first book devoted to the diagnosis and treatment of heart pathologies in cats. The book is intended for use in clinical practice, it combines the latest relevant information and teaches the skills necessary in daily practice. Cats Cardiology is a publication with detailed data containing species-specific information focused on the most common pathologies of the cardiovascular system in cats, which is absent in other manuals. The book is based on the expert opinion of four internationally recognized authors, the most up-to-date and relevant information is considered from the point of view of daily clinical use. It covers data from a basic and advanced therapeutic approach to cardiomyopathies, arrhythmias and many other pathologies to the latest information on genetic testing, circulating markers of heart pathologies and much more. Cardiology of cats is an exhaustive and sufficient source of information about pathologies of the cardiovascular system of cats, which will be an excellent addition to the library of any veterinary clinic. KEY FEATURES. The first book is fully devoted to the diagnosis and treatment of pathologies of the cardiovascular system of domestic cats. It contains the most modern and advanced information, including cardiac biomarkers, magnetic resonance imaging of the heart, a modern approach to screening programs, as well as a program for examining cats for heart pathologies before breeding. Provides information on practical aspects and approaches in the diagnosis and treatment of cat heart pathologies. It provides answers to the most frequent and complex clinical questions, with emphasis on the most common pathologies of the heart of cats. Offers the latest information on treatment, collected in separate chapters and in the section on drugs. It contains a large amount of information that is not available in other sources, such as therapy for concomitant pathologies, anesthesiological aid for a cat with suspected heart pathology, and the choice of drugs.


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