
Management models of health care institutions


Kostyrin E.V. / monograph. - M .: "Publishing house" SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY ", 2018 - 160 p.

ISBN 978-5-6041666-1-1

In the monograph, based on an analysis of the existing problems of managing medical institutions and the experience of building national healthcare systems, a promising system for managing the medical services of clinics and hospitals is proposed, the mathematical apparatus and financial instruments of which are the economic and mathematical model of managing the financial result of providing medical services paid for by their funds compulsory medical insurance fund, economic and mathematical model of managing the profit from the provision of paid medical services and an integrated financial result management system for a medical institution. Modeling was carried out, showing the feasibility and validity of introducing into the everyday practice of medical organizations the developed breakthrough technologies for managing the activities of departments and the medical institution as a whole. For each model, mechanisms and algorithms for the practical application of the proposed tools are described and illustrated in detail by calculations and examples. The monograph is intended for researchers, managers and specialists of financial services of medical organizations of all forms of ownership, graduate students and students.


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