
Public-private partnership: regional development experience

Economics, finance

Ragulina Yu.V., Petrova Yu.I., Plakhotnikov A.A., Elesina M.V. / monograph. M .: Publishing house "SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY", 2014. - 176 p.

ISBN 978-5-906660-02-2

The monograph presents an analysis of the practice of public-private partnership in the regions of Russia, considers the theoretical and methodological foundations of regulation of public-private partnership. The paper analyzes the practice of developing public-private partnerships in the regions of Russia. The foreign experience of the development of public-private partnerships and the possibilities of its use in the process of modernizing the Russian economy are studied in detail, the characteristic of legislative regulation of public-private partnerships in the process of modernizing the Russian economy is given, the possibilities for improving PPP regulation in the process of modernizing the economy of the region are identified. The monograph may be interesting for leaders, representatives of government, the private sector, students, graduate students and teachers of higher education institutions of an economic profile when studying the courses “System of state and municipal administration”, “Regional management”, “Regional management”, “Interaction of power structures and business ”, as well as for students of continuing education courses.


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