monograph. Akopova E.S., Przhedetskaya N.V. - M .: Publishing house "SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY", 2014. - 180 p.
ISBN 978-5-906660-20-6
The monograph examines the imperative of marketing management in the process of forming the institutional mechanism for the development of modern business education. In the context of the formation of a knowledge economy, marketing management is a key factor in the successful development of the institutional mechanism of national business education, as it allows you to influence the behavior of market agents and the stages of the life cycle of a business education system, ensuring its diversity. Marketing management can be considered as a way of responding to economic changes in the country using a comprehensive assessment of the impact of marketing influences on the motivation of educational services market agents and on the development of the institutional mechanism of business education. The monograph is intended for employees of scientific institutions, university professors, graduate students, undergraduates and persons interested in this problem.