
Improving the performance evaluation of educational and scientific institutions subordinate to the Government of the Russian Federation


collective monograph / ed. doctors econ. sciences, prof. R.P. Bulygi. - M .: Publishing house "SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY", 2014. - 192 p.

ISBN 978-5-906660-40-4

The monograph was prepared based on the results of research carried out at the expense of budgetary funds under the State Assignment of the Financial University in 2013. The monograph examines foreign experience and domestic practice of assessing the effectiveness of educational and scientific institutions. A classification of the concepts of “potential” and “activity” of educational and scientific institutions is given, on the basis of which a matrix of objects is proposed for the formation of a system of analytical indicators of a research university (scientific and educational center). On the basis of the proposed matrix, the structure, composition and database of typical analytical indicators have been developed to assess the activities of institutions subordinate to the Government of the Russian Federation. An algorithm for assessing the effectiveness of educational and scientific institutions subordinate to the Government of the Russian Federation is proposed. Methodological recommendations are given for organizing the monitoring of the results of self-assessment of these institutions. This monographic publication is intended for heads and employees of the Administration of the Government of the Russian Federation, ministries in charge of educational and scientific institutions. It can also be useful for heads of educational and scientific institutions, teachers, researchers, graduate students and students interested in the problems of higher education


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