
Geopolitics. Brief Dictionary

Political science

author - composition. Skrypnikov, I.S. Larionova, G.G. Nagiev, V.M. Chernykh, A.P. Debts / ed. Dr. East. sciences, prof. A.V. Skrypnikova. - M .: Publishing house "SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY", 2014. - 184 p.

ISBN 978-5-906660-43-5

This dictionary contains terms and concepts used by the science of "Geopolitics" and is intended, first of all, for students of educational institutions of higher professional education, studying the science of "Geopolitics" as a discipline. In connection with the growing interest in this science, the dictionary can be used by teachers of various subjects (history, political science, geography, literature, etc.) in general educational institutions of general and secondary vocational education. In addition, the dictionary is also aimed at a wide range of readers who are not indifferent to the current situation and foreign policy of our state in this changing world. Approved by the Educational and Methodological Association of Higher Educational Institutions of the Russian Federation for Education in the Field of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine as a textbook for students of higher educational institutions enrolled in the specialty 36.05.01 Veterinary Medicine (qualification "veterinarian") and in the direction of training 36.03.02 Animal Science ( qualification (degree) "bachelor")


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