Vasilyeva N.K., Kovryakova E.A. / monograph. - M .: Publishing house "SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY", 2016. - 180 p.
ISBN 978-5-906660-84-8
The monograph presents a synthesis and refinement of the biological, technical, technological, economic, organizational and hydrological features of rice production in agricultural organizations in southern Russia. A methodology has been developed adapted to the characteristics of the sub-industry for a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of the functioning of rice-growing farms; the economic feasibility study was carried out for rational varietal distribution of rice crops, replenishment and renewal of the combine park of rice-growing farms for the conditions of the Krasnodar Territory; The sizes of state support for rice cultivation in the region are proposed, which ensure the effective development of the sub-sector in the medium term. The monograph is intended for researchers, university professors, graduate students, students of economic specialties, as well as practitioners involved in improving the efficiency of rice production.