
Screening assessment and correction of mobile planovalgus foot deformity in children


Dubrovin G. M., Lebedev A. Yu., Bakurskaya E. S., Tikhonenkov S. N. monograph. - M .: Publishing house "SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY", 2021 - 92 p.

ISBN 978-5-907242-83-8

This paper presents the results of a clinical study of planovalgus deformity of the feet in children. The calculation of the sub-summary, valgus and ankle indices, reflecting the position of the hindfoot in space, as well as the automated determination of the integral podometric index, which makes it possible to determine the planovalgus deformity of the foot and the severity of the deformity, are proposed. The study was carried out during a screening examination of children aged 5–10 years: the condition of the feet was assessed by the photoplantometric method with the calculation of the proposed indices. The analysis of the correlations between the reference points of the foot during photoplantometry, as well as the study of the correlation between the integral index and its constituent indicators. A strong correlation was revealed in all clinical groups, which makes it possible to determine the norm and severity of deformity.
The developed method of screening examination of the feet in children takes into account the following indices: sub-summary, valgus and ankle. This combination objectively reflects the position of the foot in space when supported. The proposed integral index makes it possible to reliably determine the planovalgus deformity of the foot and its degree.


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