
System economy: development steps

Economics, finance

Monograph / G.B. Kleiner. Foreword by Academician V.L. Makarov. - Publishing house "SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY", 2021. - 746 p.

ISBN 978-5-907242-87-6

System economics is a relatively new promising direction in economic science, designed from a unified standpoint to investigate such diverse phenomena as the functioning of organizations of various levels, the implementation of investment and innovation projects, the flow of business processes, the emergence and interaction of socio-economic institutions. The general goal is to overcome the fragmentation and dysfunctionality of the subsystems of the Russian economy, to ensure the integrity and continuity of economic policy, the efficiency and adequacy of economic management methods. System economic theory develops and integrates a number of provisions of neoclassical, institutional and evolutionary economic theories, based on the concept of systems theory and space-time analysis. At the same time, the specifics and traditions of the domestic economy, the prospects for its digitalization and intellectualization are taken into account. Reliance on systemic economic theory as a scientific basis for the formation of strategy and tactics of economic management allows, as shown in the monograph, to create prerequisites for the systemic transformation of the Russian economy and its transition to the path of evolutionary sustainable development.
In the book of the famous Russian economist G.B. Kleiner presents the results of the development of the system economy, obtained over the past five years and published in high-ranking domestic economic publications.
The book is intended for a wide range of people interested in research in the field of economic theory, politics and economic management, teachers and students of higher education institutions of economic specialties, representatives of government and administration.


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