
Models of management of medical organizations


E.V. Sokolov, E.V. Kostyrin. - M.: Publishing house "SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY", 2021. - 342 p.: ill.

ISBN 978-5-907242-89-0

(The publication was carried out with the financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research under the project No. 21-110-00010)

Improving the management system of medical organizations-budget polyclinics, hospitals, commercial medical centers-is one of the most important tasks of the modern development of society, aimed at implementing and providing the population with the main volume of primary medical and social care. The book develops a comprehensive management system for medical organizations, including models for managing medical organizations of all forms of ownership, algorithms for their application to solve the problem of managing medical services paid for from the compulsory medical insurance fund (CMI) and provided to the population on a paid basis, a system for managing the financial result of medical organizations from the provision of services in the CMI system and on a paid basis, a promising system for financing medical organizations based on medical savings accounts, models for analyzing the cost of medical business and mechanisms for effective redistribution of funds from the development fund of medical organizations between their departments based on dynamic programming models. For each section, the mechanisms and algorithms for applying the management models of medical organizations in practice are described in detail and illustrated with calculations and examples. The use of the proposed tools and methodology in everyday medical practice can significantly improve the efficiency of medical organizations of all forms of ownership.

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