
Identity as a space for the formation and implementation of national interests

Political science

Identity as a space for the formation and implementation of national interests Monograph. M.: Publishing house “SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY”, 2021. – 244 p.

ISBN 978-5-907242-90-6

The monograph “Identity as a space for the formation and implementation of national interests” is the result of many years of research related to the importance of creating and protecting national values ​​both within the country and in foreign policy. The study is carried out on the example of the formation and protection of the national interests of Rus', the Russian Empire and Russia. To analyze the material, the author’s method of sociolinguistic isomorphism is used, which makes it possible to establish correspondences between socio-political processes and the cultural and linguistic identification of the country.
The monograph may be of interest to political scientists, sociologists, specialists in the field of international relations and anyone interested in this topic. The monograph is also intended for teaching bachelor's, master's, interns and graduate students.


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