
Economic crises: theory, history, facts

Economics, finance

Monograph / under scientific. ed. corresponding member RAS, Doctor of Economics, prof. G.B. Kleiner. - M.: Publishing House "SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY", 2021. - 696 p.

ISBN 978-5-907242-91-3

(The publication was carried out with the financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research under the project No. 21-110-00020)

This monograph is devoted to the study of the nature of cyclical crises in the economy-phenomena that accompany economic development, at least since the formation of early industrial society. This work not only includes a detailed retrospective review of the crisis shocks from the end of the XVIII century to the present, but also contains an analysis of the main crisis factors that have a direct impact on the direction and pace of economic development in the modern period. As part of the review of the leading scientific approaches to the origin of uneven economic process that results in the continued reproduction and the alternation of UPS and downs in economic activity, the author presents the concept of systemic economic crises as a fundamental factor in the formation of long-term processes of economic development, which is a meaningful attempt to explain the nature of the formation of economic phenomena, proceeding from logic of development of quantitative and qualitative processes in the economy. This monograph will be useful not only for scientists who specialize in research in the field of economic dynamics, but also for a wide range of readers who are interested in economic issues and want to gain a deeper understanding of the sources and goals of fundamental processes occurring in the economy.

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