
Management of sustainable development of a large city, region: problems and ways of transformation


collective monograph / A. Yu. Manyushis, NF Melnichenko, PI Burak and others; scientific. ed. A. Yu. Manyushis. - M .: Publishing house "SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY", 2021 - 572 p., Color. silt 8 pp.

ISBN 978-5-907497-01-6

The monograph offered to the readers' attention is devoted to the extremely urgent problems of the territorial transformation of Russia, increasing the efficiency of territorial organization and management, ensuring the sustainable development of large cities and regions, bearing in mind the implementation of the main strategic goal - improving the quality of life of people.
The material of the monograph is structurally grouped into three large sections: “Territorial organization and management. Theory and methodology of research ”,“ Sustainable development of a large city, region ”and“ Quality of human capital. Education. Management personnel ".
The monograph is primarily focused on scientists dealing with this issue, as well as on practicing managers - heads and specialists of territorial government bodies (primarily in large cities and regions).
The book will be useful as a textbook for teachers, students, undergraduates and postgraduates in economic areas of training, especially the direction "State and Municipal Management", as well as for practitioners studying in professional retraining programs of this direction.
The monograph may also be of interest to a wide range of readers interested in one of the most pressing issues today: how to make life for the present and future generations in modern highly urbanized regions and megacities safe and comfortable.



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