
The structure of active-adaptive electrical networks

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textbook / A. F. Shatrov. - M.: Publishing house "SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY", 2022 - 126 p.

ISBN 978-5-907497-40-5

The textbook analyzes and presents materials related to modern trends in the development of the electric grid economy. The main attention is paid to the description of the structure of active-adaptive electrical networks (AAS) or as they are also called intelligent electrical networks (IS). The smart grid is the basic direction for the development of both Russian and foreign electric grids.
The materials presented in the textbook comply with the requirements of the fourth generation of the Federal State Educational Standards, can be used as the main and additional educational material in the preparation of bachelors and masters students in the specialization "Power Supply", as well as to improve the skills of specialists working in the field of electric power industry.
The textbook is intended for students, masters and graduate students studying in the direction 13.03.02 "Electrical power and electrical engineering", profile "Power supply", can be useful for specialists in the field of power supply systems, electrical networks, relay protection and automation.


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