
Modern economic theory. Economics for physicists and lyricists

Economics, finance

textbook for universities / V.E. Gavrilov. - M.: Publishing house "SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY", 2022 - 476 p.

ISBN 978-5-907497-51-1

Textbook “Modern Economic Theory. Economics for Physicists and Lyricists” is the result of teaching economic disciplines for three decades to students of non-economic specialties of the natural and humanitarian faculties of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. The textbook contains the basic topics of the course "Economics", as well as material for their development, which allows not only to gain systemic knowledge, but also to find answers to questions that arise in everyday life and relate to decision-making regarding rational economic, credit, insurance, savings, retirement, investment behavior.
A distinctive feature of this textbook is the principle “each topic is an independent publication”, which allowed the author to offer readers a voluminous material in a compact form. The textbook contains installation material in the form of an author's text and methodological material: conclusions, control questions, topics for independent work of students - reports in the audience, as well as a list of basic and additional literature and a list of questions and tests for intermediate and final control.
The textbook is intended for students of higher educational institutions studying in non-economic specialties.


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