
Unified theory of cosmic and spiritual chronology

Unique scientific ideas, theories, projects

M.I. Belyaev - series: "Unified Theory of the Field of Natural Relations", Volume 6 / M.I. Belyaev. Moscow: Scientific Library publishing house, 2022, 276 pp.: ill.

ISBN 978-5-907497-73-3

In this book, on the basis of ancient Vedic knowledge, using the methods of the Theory of Multidimensional Natural (Proportional) Relations (TMPO), for the first time, the strictly mathematical foundations of the Unified Periodic System of Cosmic Chronology and its close relationship with the Unified Periodic System of Chemical Elements are substantiated, thereby arguing that the Vedic knowledge has come to us from a civilization much more advanced than the modern one, which does not yet know the laws of nature. For the first time, the mechanisms of the formation of the Memory of the Universe are substantiated. This is the central importance of the book. This is a meaning beyond current human understanding, experience, and other empirical research. It reflects the pre-established harmony of natural relations, which are manifested in the Great Unity of the Harmony of the cosmos and Reasonable forces in systems of any nature, at all levels of the organization of matter, as the Unified Unity of Unified Theories (EEE).

The book can be useful to a very wide range of readers and specialists from various fields of knowledge. contains mathematically rigorous algorithms for the formation of natural relationships, demonstrating the cognizability of the Universe at all levels of its organization.


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