
Our dear Ilya Vasilyevich Berezin

Prose, poetry, memoirs, biographies

memoirs / Collective of authors. - M.: Publishing house "SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY", 2023. - 252 p.

ISBN 978-5-907672-36-9

DOI: 10.36871/978-5-907672-36-9

The book is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Ilya Vasilyevich Berezin, an outstanding scientist and organizer of science, Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, laureate of the Lenin Prize of the USSR, one of the best deans of the Faculty of Chemistry of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, director of the Institute of Biochemistry named after A.N. Bach RAS. The book is intended for a wide range of readers, especially young scientists who are interested in the history of the formation of such areas in modern science as biocatalysis, chemical and engineering enzymology, at the origins of the formation and development of which was Ilya Vasilyevich Berezin.
In the memoirs of his colleagues and students presented in this book, I.V. Berezin is presented both as a talented teacher, the creator of the world famous school of researchers in the field of biocatalysis, and as a wonderful, democratic, respected and beloved person.


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