
Financial technologies for the development of enterprises and the Russian economy

Economics, finance

textbook / E. V. Sokolov, E. V. Kostyrin, K. V. Rudnev, etc. - M.: Publishing house "SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY", 2023. - 306 p.

ISBN 978-5-907672-84-0

The main methodological and practical foundations of social financial technologies for the development of enterprises and the Russian economy are considered. Using economic and mathematical models, the tools of social financial technologies are disclosed in detail, which include: a progressive wage system; medical savings accounts (MSA) of Russian citizens; personal savings pension accounts (PNPS) of Russian citizens; sovereign issue; state social motivation for the development of enterprises. The main goal that unites all these tools is to increase the incomes of working citizens and their families, which, as proven in the textbook, is beneficial for both owners and the state.
Each chapter of the textbook is supplemented with examples of problems that are in demand in practice, and their solutions are given.
The content of the textbook corresponds to the courses of lectures that the authors give at MSTU named after N.E. Bauman.
For students, teachers and graduate students of economic faculties, specialists in planning and financial services of knowledge-intensive enterprises and for all working citizens, so that they realize that their effective work is the main factor in the development of the economy of any state.


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