Vakhrushev E.A., Khaletsky V.N. - M.: Publishing house "SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY", 2024. - 668 p.
ISBN 978-5-907823-60-0
The ancient history of our people is usually presented as the deeds of princes, tsars, emperors... Their real merits are often downplayed or hushed up, and criminal dirty tricks and outright lies are extolled, because they serve the political expediency. And in this pseudo-historical arena, the multiple descriptions of the life of the first Russian tsar Ivan IV the Great, nicknamed "Terrible" by foreign ambassadors, stand out especially contradictorily and even disgustingly. Although this nickname belonged to his grandfather Ivan III. And Ivan IV the Great is tendentiously depicted in all textbooks, films and TV shows as a quick to punish, bloody tyrant, and also a murderer of his own son... Maybe it's time to open up ancient history and look at its participants with clear, unblinkered eyes... Where the first Russian tsar is the Great gatherer of Russian lands, and not a tyrant or a son-killer, his oprichnina is a great treaty with England for the construction of their mighty fleet, the oprichniks are ordinary border guards of the mast forest appanages, and the seditious and the kromeshniki are scoundrels dressed up as them. And also - the English Queen Elizabeth I, eager to marry the Russian tsar and ruined him when she did not become his wife and mistress of both the sea and the land, like the old woman from the fairy tale about the goldfish...