
From five-year economic growth and prosperity to decades of systemic crisis

Prose, poetry, memoirs, biographies

Scientific memoirs. Amosov A.I.M .: Publishing house "SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY", 2017. - 284 p.

ISBN 978-5-9500486-0-9

The purpose of writing scientific memoirs is to summarize in one book the many years of experience and observations of the author, who has been engaged in independent research of methods of strategic planning and economic management for about 50 years, of which over 40 years in an academic institute. The materials in the book, as far as possible, are arranged according to the periods of the life of the author and his ancestors. At the same time, along with a description of facts from personal and scientific life, the author gives an expert assessment of the situation that developed in the country at one time or another. The chapter on the Soviet school, in which the author was lucky to study at its peak in 1950-1960, provides evidence that children in the post-war period were a privileged class. The story about studying at Tomsk University, at the Novosibirsk Academgorodok and at the graduate school of the Plekhanov Institute in Moscow is supplemented by factual materials about the development of economic cybernetics, about the building of communism, etc. In the chapter devoted to work after graduate school in Leningrad in 1968-1973, along with a description of the defense of a Ph.D. thesis on optimal planning, it tells about the design of automated control systems. The chapter on research conducted at the Institute of Economics of the USSR Academy of Sciences in 1974-1991 provides the author's expert assessment of the achievements of the second superpower in the world, as well as the negative consequences of making wrong decisions in the upper echelon of power. The last chapter talks about the technology of power in the USSR and the problem of preserving the historical memory of the leaders of the Soviet Union, taking into account the materials published in recent decades. When describing the facts of the Soviet past, brief comparisons with modern reality are given. The author's position is described in more detail in scientific publications of the last decades. At the end of the book, there is a short list of the author's monographs and articles dating back to 1992.


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