
Problems and prospects of relations between Russia and the CIS countries in the gas market

Economics, finance

monograph / A.A. Kolomeytseva. - M: "Publishing House" SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY ", 2017 - 246 p.

ISBN 978-5-9500486-7-8

The monograph is devoted to the analysis of the main trends in the development of economic relations between Russia and the CIS countries on the gas market in the period 2006–2015. The evolution of world gas markets is considered. The distinctive characteristics of the gas industry of the CIS countries are revealed. Special attention is paid to the development of mutual relations between Russia and the CIS countries in the gas industry. In addition, the main economic and political problems and risks that have a direct or indirect effect on the export of Russian natural gas in the region under consideration are analyzed. The author also analyzed various gas transportation projects in the CIS countries, with particular attention paid to the analysis of competitive pipelines with the participation of CIS countries planned to bypass Russia. The monograph is intended for students, graduate students and researchers dealing with the problems of developing global commodity markets, integration, the global economy, and foreign economic relations. The author of the monograph is Kolomeytseva Angelina Aleksandrovna, a graduate of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. In 2013–2016 studied in full-time postgraduate study at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations at the Department of International Economic Relations and Foreign Economic Relations named after N.N. Liventseva, where she prepared for defense a dissertation study for the degree of candidate of economic sciences in the specialty 08.00.14 - World economy, which formed the basis of the text of this monograph. A.A. Kolomeytseva is the author of 10 scientific articles. The range of her scientific interests is wide and includes topics such as global markets for minerals and fuels, renewable energy sources, import substitution in the fuel and energy complex, economic sanctions, and foreign economic relations of Russia.


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