Isaev R.A. / monograph. - Ed. 2nd revised and add. - M .: Publishing house "SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY", 2017. - 292 p.
ISBN 978-5-9908377-9-9
The paper discusses the main theoretical and methodological provisions for the implementation of innovative processes in innovation-oriented enterprises in the modern economy. To this end, the issues of the functioning of industrial-corporate structures (PCS) of information-logical management support and engineering and economic aspects of the development of innovative activities in PCS are described. Issues of enterprise restructuring taking into account the implementation of the innovation strategy stage are described, and methods for implementing projects by reorganizing the production and economic activities of enterprises are also considered. The implementation of innovative projects is considered as a component of the development of the economy of the industry, region, and enterprise. The main directions and types of innovative strategies are considered and models are presented in the process of implementing innovative projects and managing them. The book is intended for the general reader, scientists, managers of enterprises and organizations of all forms of ownership, engineers - managers, as well as graduate students and students of universities of the country.