
Collective forms of management in the modern economy

Economics, finance

monograph / V.E. Dementiev, R.M. Kachalov, G.B. Kleiner et al .; under the editorship of G.B. Kleiner; Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Central Economics and Mathematics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (CEMI RAS). - M .: Publishing House "SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY", 2017. - 356 p.

ISBN 978-5-9909930-2-0

The book sets out the theoretical foundations of the development of collective forms of management, the results of a comparative analysis of their advantages and disadvantages. The main trends in the development of collective enterprises at the present stage are described, their problems and contradictions are revealed. The experience of the development of collective forms of management in the Lipetsk region is analyzed - the only subject in the Russian Federation that purposefully develops cooperatives and national enterprises on its territory. An analysis is made of the peculiarities of the legislation of foreign countries in the field of institutional support for the activities of enterprises of collective forms of management. The results of the analysis made it possible to formulate and justify recommendations, suggestions for improving the institutional environment of collective enterprises. The book is intended for a wide range of economists, representatives of the executive and legislative branches, experts in the national economy, who are determining ways to organize efficient production in modern enterprises.


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