UDC 331.108


Sevostyanova I. I.,
Ph. D. in Economics, associate Professor of management Department North Ossetian state University named after K. L. Khetagurov, Vladikavkaz, Russian Federation
Tsgoev K. K.,
bachelor of the third year of study in management North Ossetian state University named after K. L. Khetagurov Vladikavkaz, Russian Federation


The problems of working with personnel are currently being paid great attention not only in our country, but also abroad. It should be noted that different countries have different approaches to personnel management, as well as to the recruitment, selection and hiring of employees necessary for the or-ganization. An analysis of foreign practice in this area shows that each country uses its own methods of attracting personnel to municipal bodies. In some coun-tries, this problem is dealt with by special services and institutions, and in others by the departments and institutions themselves, which need new employees.


recruitment, selection, personnel, municipal bodies, public ser-vice, personnel structure.