UDC 338.43.02


Tutashev B. T.,
Candidate of the K. Sh. Toktomamatov International University, Jalal-Abad, Kyrgyz Republic
Baetova N. B.,
Lecturer at Osh State University, Osh, Kyrgyz Republic


This article is devoted to the problems of sustainable development of the agricultural sector, which is impossible without the inflow of investments and ensuring the availability of financial resources for agricultural producers. At present, innovations are becoming the main means of increasing profits of economic entities due to a better satisfaction of market demand and lower production costs compared to competitors. Meanwhile, despite repeated attempts by the state to create a mechanism to support the credit system for agricultural enterprises, to date, only a smaller part of them uses credit resources. Various schemes of state support may, to a greater or less extent, violate the conditions of the competitive environment in financial markets, provide relatively equal access to them for financial institutions and for agricultural enterprises themselves.


investment, economy, analysis, agricultural sector, profit, commerce.