UDC 631.95


Kadieva M. E.
1st year student majoring in «Pharmacy» North Ossetian State University named after K.L. Khetagurova


The problem of ecology in cities today is very relevant. It is necessary to combine all social, economic, environmental and other factors in the design of the urban environment and comply with all issues that meet the requirements of environmental safety. The article opens the interaction between the achievement of goals between economic development and a favorable environmental situation. The relatively favorable ecological situation is the result of the low development of the region’s economy. There is a need to take into account the goals set when making decisions in economic and environmental policy. In order to achieve sustainable economic development and minimize the burden on the economy, the main emphasis should be placed on reducing pollution from non-stationary sources, and the development of the region’s economy should be based on the widespread use of green technologies.


pollution, ecology, atmosphere, economy, nature protection.