UDC 636.13.082.2
DOI: 10.26155/vet.zoo.bio.202003009


A. A. Nikolaev
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Researcher, All-Russian Research Institute of Horse Breeding


Currently, in the territory of the Russian Federation there is a numerical reduction of the uterine composition of almost all horse breeds. Nevertheless, the most valuable part of the breed - the breeding core - continues not only to develop successfully, but also to form the breeding stock of breeding farms and individual owners. The reduction in the number of the uterine composition of the Don horse breed from 2008 to 2018 was analyzed. Studies have shown that, with a general reduction in the number of livestock, the most stable part of the breed is the breeding core, which affects the breed as a whole. Due to the production of the pedigree core, other farms are being formed.


horse, Don, breed, lines, livestock, breeding core.