DOI: 10.26155/
UDC 636.1.082: 575 (571.56)


L. V. Kalinkova
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Head of the Genetics Laboratory, All-Russian Research Institute for Horse Breeding, Divovo, Ryazan region, Russia
B. I. Toktosunov
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Researcher, Institute of Biotechnology, National Academy of Sciences, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
А. Kh. Abdurasulov
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Osh State University, Osh, Kyrgyz Republic


The Kyrgyz horse is one of the most ancient native breeds of horses. The breed is characterized by presence of gaited horses. Traditionally gaited horses are very much valued by Kyrgyz horsemen. It is known that a C>A mutation in DMRT3 gene affects the pattern of locomotion in domestic horses. The aim of the study was to investigate polymorphism of DMRT3 gene in horses of autochthonous Kyrgyz breed. Using PCR-RFLP technology we genotyped 35 animals from the high-altitude regions of Kyrgyzstan. It was found that the frequency of the mutant «A» allele in the studied population was 0,457.


autochthonous horse breed of Kyrgyzstan, gaited horses, DMRT3 gene.