UDC 619.075
DOI: 10.36871/vet.zoo.bio.202211012


Alexander A. Sidorchuk,
Elizaveta A. Ankudinova,
Aleksandr V. Pchelnikov,
Vladislav V. Belogurov,
Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology – MVA by K. I. Skryabin, Moscow, Russian Federation


The article presents materials on the evaluation of the epizootic situation of necrobacteriosis in industrial farms of various types of cattle management and in the small individual farms of the Kaliningrad region, taking into account natural, geographical and climatic features, and also analyzes the effectiveness of various methods for the prevention and treatment of this diseases in the farms of the region.


cattle, necrobacillosis, epizootological examination, vaccination, therapeutic measures