UDC 619: 616.9: 636.088: 636.4
DOI: 10.36871/vet.zoo.bio.202303008


Sergey V. Fedotov,
Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology – MVA by K. I. Skryabin”, Moscow, Russia
Pavel G. Simonov,
SibirPlemService, Barnaul, Russia


One of the main tasks in dairy cattle breeding is the prevention and elimination of infertility and barrenness of the breeding stock. The causes and forms of infertility are very diverse, their ratio in different farms and regions of the country varies. An analysis of the results of obstetric and gynecological medical examinations of the breeding stock in the Altai Territory for 2019–2021 showed that with a decrease in the number of tested animals by 13,62 %, the number of detected patients remains at the same level and averages 14,48 %.
When processing the data presented from all regions of the region over the past three years, natural and economic zones were identified, where diseases of the reproductive organs in animals reached more than 20 %. Thus, in the Kulunda zone, the number of animals with diseases of the reproductive organs increased from 24,02 to 29,04 %, in the Ob zone from 19,16 to 32,18 %.
The problems of diseases of the reproductive organs in female cattle, according to our data and the analysis of official statistics, indicate the relevance and timely development of measures to prevent them and eliminate infertility in the Altai Territory.


cows, gynecological examination, Altai Territory, natural and economic features