UDC 619: 615.2.619: 618.19-002
DOI: 10.36871/vet.zoo.bio.202305011


Yulia S. Kruglova,
Zhora Yu. Muradyan,
Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology – MVA by K. I. Skryabin”, Moscow, Russia
Roman V. Rogov,
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia
Rudolf S. Khmelenko,
Deltabiotech LLC, Krasnodar, Russia


This article presents the results of clinical trials of the PREVAX supplement. The article presents the results of studying the tolerance of the PREVAX additive in highly productive cows, the results of the preventive and therapeutic use of the PREVAX additive in highly productive cows with subclinical and clinical forms of mastitis, as well as the effect of the additive on milk parameters and milk yield. The use of the additive «PREVAX» in order to prevent the incidence of mastitis has a positive effect. It was found that giving the supplement orally through the drinking system at a dose of XNUMX ml per XNUMX liters of water for XNUMX days reduced the incidence of mastitis in cows by XNUMX %. The administration of the PREVAX supplement to cows with a clinical form of mastitis at a dose of XNUMX ml per XNUMX liters of water against the background of classical mamikur therapy at a dose of XNUMX ml intracisternally is well tolerated by animals, gives a pronounced positive clinical effect and leads to the normalization of the number of somatic milk cells on the sixth day of treatment. At the same time, treatment without the use of the PREVAX supplement led to a similar result only after XNUMX days of treatment.


subclinical and clinical form of mastitis, black-and-white breed, prevax, therapeutic dose, oral administration, physical and chemical properties of milk, biochemical studies, hematological parameters