
From national identity to political identity. Evolution of English identity

Political science

monograph. M.: Publishing house “SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY”, 2020. 256 p.

ISBN 978-5-907242-71-5

The monograph is the result of many years of research related to national values, ethnic and national identity. Much attention is paid to the promotion of political identity to the first role in the modern world, largely under the influence of political elites. The influence of the most important religious and ideological factor on the formation of British identity is analyzed. The analysis is carried out from a historical perspective, from the role of the Druidic substrate to the role of Protestant churches in the educational system, mainly brought by the Pilgrims to their new American homeland. The importance of the spatial factor for the evolution of English identity is considered, starting from the period of development of new lands, through the expansion of territories due to the peaceful colonization of Wales, the forced annexation of Ireland and the purchase of Scotland, and then to the colonization of Asia, Africa and America. The important role of mega-projects in the integration of new territories is noted. The evolution of the political identity of Great Britain is considered, including the formation and modern role of royal power, parliament, parties, the Privy Council, and the characteristic language of the political elites.
The monograph may be of interest to political scientists, sociologists, and specialists in the field of international relations; it is intended for teaching senior undergraduate students, undergraduates, and graduate students.


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